Dr. Lancaster
Dr. Daryl Lancaster has been board certified and practicing in the State of Arkansas
since 1997. Being knowledgeable in multiple techniques and physical therapy, Dr. Lancaster is better able to customize patient care to each individual's needs.
As an undergraduate student, his studies were in Kinesiology (the study of body
movement), physical therapy and athletic training. Apart from working in the athletic training room, he also played collegiate baseball. As a senior, a local chiropractor tasked Dr. Lancaster to write rehabilitation programs for his patients.
Car Accident Chiropractor
Upon graduation, he attended the University of Southern California Health Sciences for his
doctorate. Training included Diversified, Plamer, Logan, Thompson Drop Table, Applied
Kinesiology, Gonstead, and SOT techniques as well as others.
He and his family moved to Northwest Arkansas in December of 1996. Here they added
three more daughters to the family. Dr. Lancaster has been a supporter of Police, Fire, and EMS responders both through Chiropractic and softball. He treated members of a NWA
professional wrestling troop, and taught Anatomy and Physiology at Northwest Arkansas Community College.
We couldn’t be more proud to have Dr. Lancaster on our team!